Join the "Out of focus/Ambiguë" exhibition in Paris! All accepted entries will be displayed at Vanities Gallery, Paris from October 13 to October 15, 2019.
Reception: Oct 14, 3PM
Duration: Oct 13-15, 12PM-5PM
The theme of this exhibition draws its inspiration from the iconic song "3ème Sexe (Third Sex)" written by French band @indochineofficiel Indochine in 1985. In this song, the musicians ask for blurriness and a state of ambiguity for self-expression, and we ask you as an artist to express what ambiguity means to you, however it is related to your creative or personal life.
The theme of this exhibition draws its inspiration from the iconic song "3ème Sexe (Third Sex)" written by French band Indochine in 1985:
Des robes longues pour tous les garçons
(Long dresses for all the boys)
Habillés comme ma fiancée
(Dressed up like my fiancée)
Pour des filles sans contrefaçons
(For girl without forgery)
Maquillées comme mon fiancé
(Made up like my fiancé)
"C'est bientôt la chasse aux sorcières
(It's soon the witch-hunting)
Ambiguë jusqu'au fond des yeux
(Unclear until the bottom of the eyes)"
*Translation by Racmat from
Awarded Artists
First Place
Wenqingao Lei
Jiaqi Li
Jiantai Wu
Tianqi Fu
Lingling Jin
Sally Han
Yifan Chen
Third Place:
Bin Cheng
Dier Zhang
Jiating Shi
Lanny Xiuzhu Li
Lingling Guo
Xinxin Zhang
Yijin Liang
Honorable Mention:
Bochun Cheng
Chloe Yuning Wang
Chuan Zhou
Fanzhe Sun
Hongyu Pu
Hongyu Zhou
Jackie Feng
Jialin Dai
Jing Xie
Lu Bai
Robyn Day
Sicheng Wang
Yiling Chu
Yifan Li
Yiwen Tu
Yong Wu
Yunyao Chen
Yuan Liao
Yuu Lin
Yu Yan
Zhuo Deng
Second Place